Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lots of snow and no surgery now. . .

We are still in Billings. Bob had another test this morning and the final decision by the team of doctors is to try some drugs and check it again in 3 months. So we are enjoying the idea no surgery now and we will do this again in early February.

And - we talked with our neighbors at home and we have over 24 inches of snow and the power was out for 6 or 7 hours. So, we decided to wait and go home tomorrow.

We had a nice supper out tonight with some long time friends. It has been a good day.


  1. No immediate need for surgery is good news. I hope the snow melts enough that you can get back home safely. TeresaL

  2. I'm so happy to hear that there is no need for surgery right now! Hope you are buried to deep in snow for long...but please keep it out west. I'm so not ready for snow to start falling here!


I am so glad you stopped to chat.