Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday night at home . . .

Whew! It is good to be home. I taught in Casper this morning to finish a wonderful week-end with 17 grad students. What a great group! I have confidence that the schools of tomorrow are going to be in good hands if these students are an example of the new principals coming up. They are smart, courageous and totally committed to what is best for each and every child. Very impressive!

I then drove home today, leaving Casper about 1 p.m. and got here about 7:30. It rained most of the last 2 hours. I stopped to get us some soup from Safeway. I usually don't shop our Safeway store here in Bozeman, but I do in Laramie and they have the best soup in their deli. I brought home the Jambalaya - it is s0-0-0-0 good.

As I was leaving the store, I walked by the magazines as I am always up for a new quilt mag - and there was a 2008 Quilt Calendar from our Montana Historical Society. And the "January" quilt belongs to Mom. It is called "Railroad Through The Rockies" and came into Montana about 1860 by wagon with a family from Texas. She has a collection of over 50 antique quilts. Here is a picture again. It will be one of the quilts in the book our Historical Society is publishing in a few months. Exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your time at home! Glad you weekend was a success. What an honor for you mom. That is a beautiful quilt!!!


I am so glad you stopped to chat.