Saturday, September 8, 2007

First haircut for my little angel. . .

Oh - just thinking about getting those beautiful curls cut off hurt Grandma more than Meagan I am sure! She hasn't ever had her hair cut and she is 3 and a half. But, here are the pictures of the process and it all turned out great!

In the first picture she is waiting and not too sure this is such a good idea.

And now the actual cutting process is well on the way. I wasn't there, but I am so glad I wasn't. I would have grabbed her and run right out of there just to keep from seeing that look on her face.

After it is all over - a certificate, a hand full of curls and a little chocolate makes it all better - for both of us. Of course her hair is still beautiful just like she is!

This being a grandma is not easy work when it comes to cutting off those beautiful curls that we have enjoyed for the last couple years. Just another one of those milestones that come our way.

1 comment:

  1. such a sad face! but so beautiful! she is an angel!


I am so glad you stopped to chat.