Monday, November 9, 2020

Tomorrow is my first day of chemo . . .

This is the starting week of my infusions at the cancer center.  I will have two chemo drugs and two immunotherapy drugs infused through my "new" port.  I am packing lots of stuff to keep me occupied for the 5+ hours.  

1. The maker . . . 

I made myself a new mask - and it is ok.  I like this shape and size.  I may make another one tonight so I have two new ones as my others are getting a bit worn.  I want one that has more color and pizazz. 

I also continue to work a little at a time on my coffee piece below for a challenge from the SAQA Oregon Region.   It is in progress but there is a lot of time for me to get it done.  I have another project that I want to finish first.

2. The love . . . 

There is nothing like the love of a dog.  This is our Bailee.  She is a little over 3 and is so loving.  We have had Scotty dogs before and each has their own "perfect" personality.  But we have never had one who is as loving as our Bailee.  Here she is watching the birds have breakfast at the bird feeder.  

3. The fight . . .

Today I got a very special gift from a very special friend.  Barbara Tylka is such a wonderful fiber artist and friend.  She brought me this quilt and a wonderful basket of goodies so I can have an easier journey.  It is so filled with love for this fight.  I love the colors in the quilt - they are warm and filled with energy.  It is a happy, dancing quilt. 

 Thank you, Barbara.

1 comment:

  1. Sending you love and a hug from western Canada. This is a tough time but you have good support nearby...and those close, soft signs of love: your dear wee pup and your quilt and all. I hold you in my heart. "All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well." -- Dame Julian of Norwich


I am so glad you stopped to chat.