Friday, February 12, 2010

Sharing some memories of love . . .

Someone on Facebook started the movement to post your picture with your significant other along with a story of how long you have been together. It is meant to be a special Valentine celebration. So it got me to thinking. The years have gone by so fast.

The picture of Bob and I was taken about 18 years ago - yes, it is at a bar - and we were certainly thrilled to be together - and we may have been celebrating a bit. You see, Bob and I both lived in Helena, MT 35 years ago when we met the first time. I was a young, single mom teaching school. He was one of the most eligible bachelors in Helena and had a corvette that really caught the eye of my two little boys. We dated for about a year and we really, really liked each other! But I was kind of a "wild child" with two little boys to raise, a full time job and a part-time job doing commercial art work at home. For lots of reasons, we went our separate ways.

I took a leave of absence from my teaching job, came to MSU here in Bozeman about 100 miles away and spent that next year getting a masters degree with my two sons in tow. From Bozeman, the boys and I went on to Billings where I did an internship and became an elementary principal. Meanwhile, Bob, continued his job in Helena and came to Bozeman on weekends to build the "round" house we now live in. He eventually left his job with state government in Helena and moved to Bozeman where he had also gone to college years before. He had always loved Bozeman.

While in Billings I met the man I thought was Mr. Perfect and married. We moved to the Denver area with his job and I continued in my field of education as a teacher and an administrator. Mr. Perfect had some imperfections. The best part of that marriage was being in the Denver area. I love Colorado. The marriage didn't last, but I thrived. I left education and went to work for Apple Computer in sales and marketing focused on education. It was a glorious time. The boys both grew up, hit some bumps along the way, but I suspect we all really, really loved our time in Colorado.

About 18 years ago, on a trip back to Montana, Bob and I reconnected. He had never married, but came real close. The same old magic was there. We dated for a couple years. I came to Bozeman on some weekends and he came to Denver for others. Then we married and I took a job with Apple as a consultant so I could live in Bozeman and travel. And the rest is history as they say. We built the second half of the "round house" together that he had started so many years before. It is the house in the heading of my blog. Even though both of my sons really grew up in the Denver area, the older son always loved Bozeman (skiing and fishing) and he and his wife moved here about 6 years ago. They live here now with their two boys. My younger son moved to Portland, OR and that city is the perfect match for him and his lifestyle. And, it is a wonderful place to visit when we go to see him and his daughter.

Bob and I feel truly blessed and each year I love him more. It has been a glorious journey!

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I am so glad you stopped to chat.