Monday, October 22, 2007

Amazing times. . .

My vehicle is a TrailBlazer named LilyB. Yesterday afternoon while I was driving back to Laramie from Casper, she sent an email to my Bob in Bozeman reporting that the tire pressure on the left rear tire was low and should be checked. I was out in the middle of nowhere driving through some slush on the road. I am still amazed, and tickled, this morning. Don't you just love technology? And I will check it!

My Montana quilting friend, Patricia Pressler, won several ribbons for her beautiful work at the Spokane Quilt Show. That is really not amazing as she is very talented and her work is impressive. But what is amazing is that she went out on opening day of hunting season and shot a deer, dressed it out in the field, drug it to her pickup over rough terrain, got it into the back of the pickup and then hoisted it up to hang in her the garage when she got home - ALL BY HERSELF! And - she is about as big as a minute and looks like a model. Now, that is amazing!

One more - The Colorado Rockies are in the World Series! Wow!


  1. Go Red Sox, sorry Carol but Boston is my team (lol)... Yes, I know you are torn between the 2 teams but you do not have to cheer for the Colorado team because you live there.... I mean I live in Oregon and cannot stand the Ducks, but I do cheer for the Beavers, fickle bunch aren't we???????

    Love Weston's new boots, you will have to teach him to sing Pardon me Roy but is that the cat that chewed your new shoes.... Okay enough silliness, time for me to go to bed... Drive home safely tomorrow....

  2. And I thought I was high tech with the little computerized notification to the driver. But emailing the hubby?!! Wow... and does that help or add to the spousal stress level when they can't get to you? Patricia's quilts are amazing aren't they?!! Sports... that's what I keep the hubby distracted with so I can quilt more :-)

  3. Oh, I love Colorado and would love to visit Montana but I'll leave the killing the animals to those that do and just try to get good photo shots-grin. I'm one of those who like to get my meat nicely packaged in the grocery store and not think about the source! We're finally getting some rain in parched SC!! Yay!


I am so glad you stopped to chat.