Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday evening . . .

We had a wonderful Sunday. This morning we went out to breakfast with our grandson Weston and his other grandmother from Colorado. Weston's parents are enjoying a week-end away. We ended our day with ice cream and a visit from our neighbors who have also been longtime friends.

In between - we fixed and enjoyed some good barbeque ribs and pulled pork with a couple salads. Now we also have a couple evening meals done for the week as well. I really like knowing that there is something good for supper that is easy to put together for the two of us. Tomorrow night we are going out to the annual summer feed for Bob's Kiwanis group. And - Weston visits tomorrow this week instead of Wednesday.

What do you call your evening meal? Do you call it "supper" or "dinner" or sometimes one or the other? I read the other day, that the word "supper" is quickly disappearing from use. I always think of supper as a lighter meal in the evening and dinner as a more formal meal in the evening. At our house, when there are just the two of us, we have supper.

It is going to be a very nice August week with lots of blessings and I hope yours is the same.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoyed your visit! I have put a lot of thought into this.. and I am not sure which we call it more... so I call it good... excellent if anyone but me has made it ;-) - Jan


I am so glad you stopped to chat.