Thursday, March 20, 2008

Celebrate . . .

Easter time is the best! Don't you agree? It is the fulfillment of love and hope that nothing else can match.

We are heading to Missoula tomorrow morning to spend a few days with my parents, my sister and Bob's sister. And - even more exciting - I get to spend some time tomorrow afternoon with two of my favorite quilting artists (and longarm quilters) from that area. Check back on Monday and I will share some pictures!

Tonight we are headed out for a special dinner with 3 other couples - no particular celebration except we all enjoy time together. Usually we do the "women lunch thing", but this time, we are doing the "couple thing". When we are gathered together, it is nonstop laughter and great cowboy and rodeo stories. We have all known each other for most of 40+ years.

Here is another special treat - a wonderful picture of our Meagan - the 4 year old in Portland who is "practicing" to be a model.

And for a very special person:
"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Have a wonderful Easter and enjoy the love of family and friends!

1 comment:

  1. Carol, We have that John Wayne saying on a plaque hanging on our bedroom wall, the best saying. Have a happy Easter season.

    Karen L


I am so glad you stopped to chat.