Thursday, October 23, 2008

What is going on?

It was just Sunday - or that is what it seems like. I just put up a new post and what happened to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. You know what they say, "Time flies when you are having fun." So the good news is - I must be having a ton of fun.

Today is Thursday and I have a long list. I have been picking up some new customers for quilting and I am so excited about that. For the year I was gone, I put my quilting business on hold and then when I came back from Wyoming, things got very busy. I have taken little brochures around with a discount coupon, handed them out at the quilt shops and carried some with me to hand out when people say, "Are you guilting for others?" It has paid off and I am going to do it through November. And, the best part is, I have some nice new quilts to work on.

Remember this one - it is not one of the new ones. But it is what I am working on now. It is a vintage top that was not finished by the original maker from the 30's and needs to be squared up by moving a couple stars around. It is now a huge parallelogram. The nice part about having Hoke (my IQ) is that I have a fleese baby quilt loaded that I am having him drive Miss Daisy around to quilt while I sew. It was one of those projects that got put aside during my year away. The owner is not concerned as she had three to do and this is the last one. She has had them unfinished for several years. It is nice to have understanding customers. I will finish it completely with a remodel, quilting and binding.

Today I am going to vote as I am going to be gone on a "college girls" retreat starting the week of November 2. There are several of us who get together every couple years at a different place. We have been friends since we were freshman in college. In fact, the rest of the group all have been friends through junior high and high school all from the same small town in Montana. They "adopted" me. And - they even introduced me to my first husband. But, I have forgiven them for that and I suspect he has as well. We are heading to Lake Couer d'Alene for a wonderful, cool, quiet, retreat away. We will get in a shopping day to Spokane as well. There will not be much sewing, however, as only a couple of us are quilters.

I am heading to Missoula tomorrow and looking forward to the trip. I have been doing "day trips" - over and back in the same day and trying to go each week. It is such a thrash as it is a 3 hour drive each way. So, I am now going to go over every-other week or so and stay overnight. Mom has a second bedroom in her apartment that she uses as a computer/music room, but there is space to set up a roll away for a visit. It will be good to have time to visit and to "just be".

A good friend shared this with me this morning: "Days pass and years vanish while we walk sightless among miracles." It is all good!

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I am so glad you stopped to chat.