"I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better." Maya Angelou
Always learning . . .My blog is titled "Third Act" because I am at the stage of my life where this is my third act. I came to that because I have divided my projected life span (God willing) into three parts and I am now starting into that third part. It is the best of times! However - and that is a big "however" - the learning I need has not come as quickly as the years. This weekend was a major "ah-ha" for me.
So this was the deal . . . We were invited by my Bob's sister to come to their cabin on the lake to celebrate the 4th of July. It was nice invitation and my Bob accepted as he didn't want to hurt her feelings. She also invited our son and his family to join us. Doesn't that sound exciting - a long weekend on a beautiful lake with lots of water toys? I went along with the decision even though my intuition sent up many warning signals. So, we asked the "kids" and they thought it sounded really good. They have two little ones under 5 as you know. They have a little camping trailer and we have Gus. We would go up a few days early to get a good camping site for us at one of the campgrounds and they were assured there was room at the cabin for them with their little trailer as they couldn't get up there early and you can't "save" camp sites.
So here is reality. . .1. In order to get a camping site near the lake on any summer weekend, you need to be there by mid-week at least and certainly for the July 4th weekend. Due to the late tree trimmers and the major hail storm, we couldn't get away until Thursday afternoon.
2. We went and took the last camp site in the least desirable campground, but it was better than nothing, huh? It did have a great view of the lake.
3. Bob's sister had also invited
all of the relatives from her husbands side of the family. When we went over to the cabin after we got situated we found way too many people. All of the vehicles (mostly trucks) had to park in the space "promised" our kids to park their trailer. And there was a lot (and I mean a lot) of family issues going on among those who were there. And everyone brought at least one dog including us.
4. The cabin is small on a little knob with a busy road between it and the dock - hmmm - lots to manage with little kids in tow.
5. The weather has not been very summer like regardless of what we would like and this weekend was no different - wind and rain and cool temps.
So here is how it worked out . . . 1. The camp site we found was big enough for two RVs - not the best location, but really fun to have the little ones right next door when they arrived Friday evening.
2. We survived the cold, wind and rain.
3. We limited our time at the cabin so as not have to endure or be involved in the family issues, busy road, dog issues, etc.
4. The water toys at the cabin were used a bit and enjoyed.
5. Most of the weekend was spent at the little campsite on the knob in Gus out of the wind and rain.
And we learned - we will ask better questions like "who and how many" - and know we can pass on the invite with a gracious "not this time" when we get the real scoop. We should have known better. You can probably read between the lines on some of this, huh?
But . . . we had a good time with our son and his family. We got to practice walking with Walker. We got in some really good laughs at our location, the family drama, and the continued learning. We were thankful to have a camp site with a great view and the RV's for shelter. And, it was a good 4th of July.