Monday, July 18, 2011

Precious Peepers . . .

Today I went to the eye doctor - a new eye doctor. I had a feeling in May that I needed to go to an opthomologist rather than my regular optometrist. I don't know why for sure. I trust my optometrist and have liked him since moving here from Colorado almost 18 years ago. But it seemed like I should do this. Today was the first appointment I could get so I went. There is a lot going on and I almost changed it last week.

But I went and really felt confident in this doctor. All was going smoothly - no problems and then he found a failry large tear in the retina of my left eye. He felt strongly that it should be repaired right away - today - so I hung around for a couple hours in his office until he had finished his other patients. He wanted me to call my husband, so I called Bob to come in, and had the laser surgery to repair the tear. Interesting.

No problems with continuing on with the plans for the week. I can see out of the eye 0kay - a little blurry, but the other eye is fine. No rough stuff for a week or so - can't ride horses or a 4 wheeler - which I don't get to do much anyway.

I am sure glad I had the little angel on my shoulder telling me to make this appointment and to keep it today. I am blessed - always have been.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Carol, I'm so glad you had that appointment! Hope your recovery continues well!


I am so glad you stopped to chat.